Timetable for music festivals, seminars, business events and even sport events! Built for WordPress on jquery and php, this timetable is the ultimate, unique solution for an attractive and easy way to show visitors your events. The data can be updated using an easy admin panel while the php makes sure that everything will be search engine optimized. The timetable can be printed by your visitors and turns into a comprehensive list. Skins make it easy to adjust this timetable to any existing website.
Beautiful layout: easy on the eyesEasy-to-use Admin Panel.Optimized for search engines.Select a personal program to print.Build on jQuery.Colorbox for printing (optional) , images and youtube.Fallback for the used css3 and javascript.HTML5 Valid.PHP 5 +WordPress 3.xjQuery 1.5+A must have for all event based websites. We made this Timetable in partnership with Ceasar Feijen. Together with his youtube app both these scripts are a great addition to any event website.
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