Confused on how to get started? Our 1-click auto-install feature takes care of that. Once you activate the theme an option will appear for populating the site with dummy data. Click on the button and watch your theme transform into the demo site twin brother!
Price Compare theme comes with built in support for Amazon and CJ (Commission Junction). Showcasing products from those sources is easy as inputting your unique information in theme back-end. But that’s not all! The theme allows you to create unlimited number of feeds using .csv files
Instead of preset skins Price Compare comes with extensive back-end design options that give that extra uniqueness to every Price Compare site. Changing the font, background, or link color is only a few clicks away!
In order to make managing the homepage as easy as possible you will find a completely widgetized homepage in Price Compare. Adding and removing content is as simple as drag and drop. To make the deal even sweeter main content widget area allows you to create new tabs using widgets!
No, we didn’t forget the regular blog section. Creating a blog section in Price Compare is a piece of cake. Products and blog posts are completely separate so you never need to worry about mixing the two together.
To make editing the content even easier Price Compare comes with 30 unique shortcodes! You can use these shortcodes in blog posts, pages and even products! Using shortcodes is as simple as inputting the correct “code” inside the description window of your post, product or page.
Simply enter you're email address and the download link will be sent right to you're inbox.

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