Sunday, November 27, 2011

Getting Your Content Created

This is something people seem to struggle with for some reason. I'm not going to be talking about how to write content here, I will however be talking about how to get it created. Here are two tips I will give you straight away. When hiring a writer, BE SPECIFIC. Tell them exactly what you want covered in your article.

The best way to do that is to give them an example article on that keyword/topic that you found insightful and ask them to use that as their research base.

Getting Your Content CreatedWhen you find a good writer, stick with them and treat them well. If you are rude or demanding with your writers, you will find it very hard to get a good outcome and you will throw your hands up in the air and say it's too hard and there are no good writers.

That's utter rubbish.

Yes, there are dodgy writers out there, and yes you might even encounter a few along the way with this process, but you can minimize your risks by being smart and that's what I'm going to be talking about here.

A good way to minimize risk is to not give 1 writer all your work. Break it up. Giveone writer 5 articles, another writer another 5 and so on until they prove themselves to be reliable and trustworthy.

Never bet more then you are willing to lose in one sitting. That's my rule. If you find a writer who is polite and who is honestly trying to do their best for you, but they've made a few mistakes or it's not quite what you want, ask them to revise the article and give them examples of what you mean.

Don't just tell them it's rubbish. Always ask before you hire an article writer if they will do revisions (within reason) if you are not happy. If they don't, don't hire them. I've found my best writers are those who I've worked with for a long period of time. Every now and then you find a great writer straight out of the box, but often I just need to guide them for the first few articles.

Always check for original work of course by using Copyscape. If a writer gives you work that does not pass Copyscape, never use them again. I will be talking more about this in the on page PDF that comes with this WSO, but what I want to talk about now is the length of my content. Since about March, this year (2011), all my content sites have been created with 1000 word articles. I no longer use 400 to 500 word articles or any other length for that matter.


Because 1000 word articles convert better, they rank better, they rank faster and they stay ranked longer without needing too much backlinking. My 400 to 500 word article sites cannot even compete with my sites with 1000 word articles.

Yes it costs me more initially, but the end result is more profits and less time and money spent on backlinking. These articles and sites also hit #1 in Google more often.

In all the testing I've done, this is probably been the biggest benefit to me. I've seen my profits increase 5 fold, and that's conservative. I spend around $10 to $20 on 1000 word articles. A fully blown mini authority site's content will cost me around $200, but you don't have to have all the content created

at once. You can build your sites over time and in some ways that's beneficial. The best place to find article writers I've found is in the Warrior For Hire section at

the WarriorForum. You will find a lot of great writers there and it helps to be able to see comments from previous buyers.

View the original article here

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Before You Create Your Site, Checkout Your Competition

I don't mean do competition and keyword research like I talked about in my previous WSO on advanced keyword and competition research. That's a different type of research. This is research you need to take before creating your site. I mean, actually going over the sites ranking in the top 10 of Google for your main keywords to see what they are doing.

You want to be able to beat them at their own game. Some of the best design tips I've found have been through looking at what others are doing. I don't profess to be a genius at this stuff. I just find something that I hear is working or looks like it could work and I test the living daylights out of it and tweak it until it's insanely profitable.

Yup, you're right; I spend A LOT of time doing this stuff. When doing this, I check pretty much all the top 10 sites.

The things I check are;

A) Are they promoting with Adsense or affiliate programs? If they are promoting an affiliate program, which one and should I be promoting it?

B) What other keywords they are targeting that might be useful in my site

C) How they design their front page. If it looks good, I'll take design elements and placements into account when I create my sites (Never steal content or graphics).

D) What type of content they are using (video, articles, etc) and if it's good quality. If the content quality is poor, I know I can really dominate this sub niche.

E) How they structure their sites navigation. If I like what I see, I implement some of their ideas.

F) Are they using social plug ins to get people to like and talk about their site.

All these things give me a good idea of what I should be doing. If everyone in a niche is doing something a particular way, I'll try it out myself.

View the original article here

Timing Is Everything

Timing Is EverythingThis is an extremely important part of the process. Knowing when to add your affiliate links or Adsense blocks can play an important part in your sites rankings. It's also important to know when to start building your sites out, how fast you should be putting content into your sites and when you should start backlinking.

While this is not a backlinking report, it's something you should know about during the site creation process. For all my sites, I never add any sort of monetization links or ads until my sites are at least 30 days old. I want my site to start getting all the pages indexed, and to start getting some stable rankings, and a little bit of authority in Google's eyes before I start putting any advertising on the site at all.

If for some reason my site flags a Google review, I want it to look clean and informative and not just a made for Adsense or made for affiliate sales site. I find around that 30 day mark is a good time to start adding monetization. By this time my sites are starting to rank and get some stability.

I have no real hard data to support this other than talking to others in the field and some very respected members of my community have strongly suggested to me this course of action and it's a course of action that I take and it makes sense to me. A site that just springs up with Adsense and monetization and posts and backlinks all at once screams made for Adsense/affiliate sales. Google doesn't mind you profiting from your site, not at all, but it doesn't want sites who's sole purpose is to generate revenue and not enhance it's listings.

By about 30 days as well, for a mini authority site, all my content would have been added to the site. I usually add content every 2 or 3 days. That's a bit quicker than I would normally like, but I also want to profit from my sites.

If you are in no rush to profit from your sites and you want a more long term business view, I'd suggest adding content every 5 to 7 days, but 2 to 3 days is fine as well. It's important that you don't just dump 15 pages of content on your site. During the ranking process, you want your site to look fresh in Google's eyes.

By adding content over a 30 to 60 day period (for mini authority sites), your site is getting ranked and evaluated by Google and it's seeing that you are updating the site

with more content every couple of days. This looks natural to Google and that's exactly what we want. So two big tips here are, don't start adding monetization to your site until you start getting indexed and start getting ranked. I would say 30 days is a good estimate. If your sites are still bouncing wildly, it might be a good idea to hold off. What usually happens in the ranking process is when you start pushing backlinks to the site, it moves up and down rapidly, but it then starts to settle and move up slower.

When its slowly moving up, that's the best time to add monetization.

For an authority site, the process is much the same. I will add content every 2 to 3 days and I'll wait for about 30 days before I start to put any monetization on the site.

Authority sites are built over time. It can take me 12 months to fully build out a content site with enough articles to cover every relevant longtail keyword that I want to target. Of course, they are still profititing while this process goes on.

I want to talk briefly about backlinking here and when you should be doing it. I always, always wait for my sites to get indexed before I start any backlinking and my initial backlinking is very light.

It usually consists of a couple of high PR backlinks and some social bookmarking in the first 14 or so days.

After the domain name for my site is indexed and some of my first content is getting indexed, I start to get a bit more aggressive in my backlinking.

One of the most important elements to backlinking is velocity. Meaning, if you get 1000 backlinks a day for 4 days, then nothing, then you do more 1000 backlink days,

there is a good chance you will get penalized. You want your backlinking to look natural and consistent.

View the original article here

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Overview Of On-Page Tactics And Adsense Placement

I just want to touch on some of the data I've found useful when it comes to on page SEO and content for SEO sites. I'm also going to talk about page layouts for better CTR's.

Some of this goes against the grain of what others are teaching and I fully accept that fact. As I've said through out this WSO, I can only report to you what I've found has worked for me from many years of experience.

First thing I want to talk about is content. I'll come straight out with it.

Sites that have pages of unique content that are over 1000 words in length rank better then content pages of 300 to 500 words. Not only do they rank faster, all things being equal, they also require less maintenance SEO wise.

Those sites that have 1000+ word articles for each page, poop all over those with 500 words or less, so the majority of sites I create now all have over 1000 words of unique content per page.

This is all unique content by the way, which is readable. It's not world beating stuff, but it's not spun content either.

These sites hit #1 position more often with a lot less work. So while it costs more for 1000 words of content, it pays off quickly. I pay around $15 for 1000 word articles. It takes a lot less SEO backlinking to make them rank and stay there at this length.

I can virtually just leave them to their own devices once they start ranking. Not much maintenance is required at all.

So if you have content sites that are having trouble ranking, especially for difficult keywords, try longer content pages. 1000 words plus.

If you have client sites that are not ranking for the keywords you want, try it as well.

So let's say for example you have a florist in New York as a client and they cannot rank for that keyword for their root domain; just create a 1000 word piece of content and stick it on the site like the link below;

And you will be amazed at the results with proper backlinking.

But what about keyword density?

I've found all my content pages with a keyword density of 1.5 to 2.1 also have the most favorable outcomes. This seems to be the sweet spot.

Every time I struggle to get one of my sites or a clients site ranking for a keyword, I put up a good piece of 1000 word content, give it a keyword density of 1.5 to 2.1 and I do my backlinking strategies to it and I almost always get the result I want.

There are no 100% certainties in SEO.

Another thing that works out well for me is allowing user comments on my content pages. Something about this seems to add more credibility in Google's eyes to my sites.

It's often a pain to have to moderate comments, but again, these are more advanced on page methods, especially useable for keywords and pages that just won't budge.

If I have a client with a stubborn site who has a Facebook account, I'll get them to make a post about this 1000 word article on their site and get their Facebook users or even Twitter followers to discuss and comment on that page.

I highly recommend 1000 word + articles, but these methods work regardless.

Comments and the sweet spot of keyword density will work even if you don't want to use such long content, but again, I highly recommend it.

What people have been teaching about linking out to authoirty sites in your content seems to be of benefit as well.

For all my articles, I will put one link out to a site like Wikipedia to a relevant piece of content on that site and I will hyperlink it with the keyword I am trying to rank for. So the anchor text of that authority link out will be the main keyword I am trying to rank that page for.

I do highly recommend WordPress plugin's that remind you to do this and give you page scores. I find Clickbump SEO (one of many plugins that do this) an invaluable tool. Check the link out below to see what it does.

I'm not going to go into the basics of on page SEO in this report. That's not what this report is about and it's been done 100 times before. This is about the advanced tactics that a lot of people don't know about or have not been utilizing.

I'm not an affiliate of the product above either, I just recommend it because I am using it on my sites and it seems to be doing a lot of good. Having that checklist next to each article for best practice on page SEO is really handy.

There is also a lot of talk about trying to improve visitor time on your site as the thought is, Google uses this data to give better rankings. I've not seen that. I don't really want my visitors on my sites for long.

I want them to find my Adsense or affiliate links wrapped in really compelling content that makes them want to click.

One thing that has become very clear recently is that the age of a site does play a part in SEO rankings. This is a topic for another report, but aged domains do play a part in rankings.

I found this really good list of what Google finds important for your site to have. Like a checklist. I agree with most of it and it's good for those who perhaps need a basic overview of what Google looks for.

Here are a few tips I've learnt with Adsense placement. Some of what I'm about to say goes against convention, but it works for me and it's what I'm going to teach you.

On all of my Adsense sites now, I have two ad blocks. The first block I put at the top of my content, on the same line as my first paragraph, to the left. You can see what I mean below.

Ad at the top example.

It's a Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) in Google's terminology. It's not that overly blended with my sites content, but it works well with my highest CTR of all the options I've tested.

I often think that blending your ad's so they don't look like ads is not always the best option.

The next Adsense block is a Wide Skyscraper (160x600). I put this about 1/3 of the way down my page on the left.

You can see this example here;

I have found these two Adsense placements give me the best CTR's from all the positions that I have tried. I'm not one to flood my sites with ads. I want my sites to look clean and nice.

You may have noticed that my Adsense blocks are all on the left. There is a reason for that. I tested many different positions and I noticed that the left has a higher CTR for all Adsense placements.

A couple of weeks after I came to this conclusion, I stumbled upon an article on eye tracking and ad placements.

I learnt a lot from this article, not just about placement, but just about how people view sites in general. It had a big impact on how I create Adsense and affiliate sites as well.

Here is that article. eb_usability_studies.html

One of things I'm going to be testing in the future is putting three Adsense placements on my pages. Why?

Because of something I read in that article.

"Users spend a good deal of time initially looking at the top left of the page and upper portion of the page before moving down and right-ward."

My thought pattern is thus. I will keep my two left sided placements, and then nearing the bottom of the page on the right, I will have another Adsense block.

This should cover the eye movement of a individual web surfer.

I would highly recommend that you check that article out above. You want to milk every cent you can out of your website and this is just another avenue to do that.

The more you get out of your current traffic, the less traffic you need and the less work you have to put into getting the same results. That's the name of the game, more money, less work.

But what about content sites or review sites that promote affiliate products not Adsense? How can I improve my CTR for these types of sites?

Two words for you.

Text Links.

This is coming from years of my data here. Text links out perform graphics or banners by a long shot.

Interweaving recommendations into your content will outperform placing banners and image ads on your site for the affiliate program you are promoting.

With my content sites, I place a little spiel for the product I'm promoting at the top of each article and I simply put a link that says CLICK HERE to learn more about how this product can help you, or what ever it is that it says that pertains to the affiliate product I'm promoting.

It's not that I don't use banners or images, I do, I just find that the text links get more click throughs then the image ads do. Quite a lot more. 3 times as much in fact.

One of my favorite lines for my health sites is to have this phrase in my content and link it to an affiliate product. I usually make the link red so it stands out.

View the original article here

On-Page SEO And Monetization

What I'm going to do in this section is go over a post and show you the On-Page SEO that I do to it.
Before I start however, once piece of advice.
For your content, if you outsource it, it's easier just to tell your article writer that you want an article on that keyword, give them examples of what you would like written, if you have examples of a good article on that keyword and do this On-Page SEO that I'm about to teach you, yourself. (Or get your assistant to do it like I do.)
It's just a lot easier that way, rather than asking your writer to do it.
Having your writer do all the On-Page SEO slows down the process and often they won't do it or do it well. Let them focus on the content.
With this example, I am going to be using Clickbump SEO as my guide. It's a great WordPress plug-in. You can find similar plug-in's on the WSO board with some good reviews as well for a cheaper price.
Let's get the ball rolling.
This is a mockup and not a complete site. Be be aware, this is not a live site, the content site is not live or up and running and the content is placeholder content I just used as an example. Do not copy the content in any way.

As you can see in this screenshot, the Clickbumb SEO plug-in is in action on the right there. The categories they rank sites on are;
Keyword Density Keyword Phrase In Post Title H1 Heading With Keyword Phrase H2 Heading With Keyword Phrase H3 Heading With Keyword Phrase Keyword Phrase In Bold – Close To Top Of Page Image With Keyword Phrase In Alt Text Keyword Phrase In First Sentence Keyword Phrase In Last Sentence Internal Link Found Post Word Count No Follow Tags On Outbound Links (I Don't Use This)
There are two more tactics I use that are not added in that list and I've included them below;
Link Out To Relevant Article On An Authority Site Have XML Sitemap
I'll be going over all of these in a moment and then I'll cover more in-depth monetization tactics.
I'm going to use another screenshot to show you how I do this On-Page SEO for all my content posts and pages. I'm using the front page as an example, but all my content pages follow the same On-Page SEO formula.

The keyword density of my posts is always between 1.6 and 2.1. This means how
often the keyword phrase you are targeting is mentioned in your article. This is the sweet spot for me.
Using my guidelines of, hurt's, doesn't hurt, doesn't help and help's which I talked about in the main report, having a good keyword density between 1.6 and 2.1 is a big help to your On-Page SEO.
As you can see from the screenshot above, the first sentence on the page is the title of the page. For your front page, you only want to put in your keyword here, nothing else. Your front pages title should only be the keyword you are targeting for that front page.
When you make posts however, you should make them more descriptive as this is what people will see when they search Google for that keyword you are targeting.
They will see the title in the listings.
So, let's say you are targeting the keyword "Morning Sickness Remedies" for a post/article.
My title for that page would be something like
"Morning Sickness Remedies – Simple And Easy Cures Available At Home"
I put my keyword I am targeting first then something catchy to get the visitor to click my listings over everyone elses.
You don't need to do this for your front page as the Platinum SEO plug-in text you wrote earlier is the text that will be seen here.
Putting your keyword in the title of your posts helps your On-Page SEO.
Just below the title, you will see a H1 header with the keyword phrase in it. This helps with On-Page SEO. It gives Google and of course other search engines a clearer picture of what your page will be talking about.
Below that you will see the first paragraph. You will also see the keyword phrase I'm targeting mentioned in the first sentence and you will see the keyword phrase I'm targeting in bold.
These On-Page SEO tactics don't hurt your SEO. The reasoning behind doing this is to make it clear to the search engines exactly what your page is about.
If you look just below the first paragraph, you will see a link. That is an internal link, even though it redirects to my affiliate link.
It's an internal link because I use the plug-in I talked about in the main report. It looks like a link to another page on your site, but it redirects your visitors to the affiliate product you are promoting.
Having an internal link on your page doesn't hurt your On-Page SEO.
A paragraph down, you will see another link. I've linked the keyword phrase woodworking plans as an external link to an authority site wrapped around my targeted keyword.
Linking out to an authority site helps your On-Page SEO and you should wrap that link around that particular pages keyword you are targeting. When you link out to a resource on another site that Google see's as an authority, that gives you brownie points in Google's eyes.
So every post I make I hyperlink the keyword I am targeting on that page somewhere in my post and I link it to a related article.
A lot of the times I will link out to an article on Wikipedia or
You can make this link the same color as your text surrounding it so it does not stand out like a sore thumb, which is what I usually do, but for some reason, I didn't do that with this example Silly me. It's not a big deal, but it will improve your CTR on your other affiliate text links if this link is not prominent.
Below that, you will see another heading. A H2 heading with keyword phrase. This helps On-Page SEO and gives you another chance to let Google know what keyword phrase this page is about.
Wrap that H2 heading keyword phrase in some compelling text, don't just use the keyword phrase as the H2 heading unless it's a very long keyword and makes sense on it's own.
Below that, you will see another heading, a H3 heading with keyword phrase. You will also see an image with the keyword phrase I'm targeting in the alt tags.
These both help with On-Page SEO. I often put the H3 heading near the image and usually towards the middle of the article/post.
Your image can be of anything. If you are promoting an affiliate product, put the product image on your page and I will talk more about this in a moment in the monetization section.
If you have an Adsense site, find a copyright free image that is relevant to the article you are writing on and put that in.
One of my favorite places to get images is below;

I purchased a stock image WSO a few months ago and that had thousands of royalty free images that I can use on my sites. It's no longer live, but there are WSO's like this all the time you should keep an eye out for.
Just make sure the photos are royalty free and you can use them without restriction.
As you can see, most of my On-Page SEO is done at the start and middle of the post. Of course, you don't want to stuff your keyword phrase all in the first part of the post, you want to mention the keyword naturally throughout your post.
I won't bother posting the rest of the screenshot of the site again, but I will walk you through the final part of the On-Page SEO process.
Keyword phrase in last sentence. This doesn't hurt your On-Page SEO. I simply just make sure my keyword phrase I am targeting for that page is in the last sentence of my post.
Post word count. How many words you have in your posts greatly, GREATLY effects your On-Page SEO. I know I've been harping on at this topic the entire time, but when I started to add 1000 word posts to my sites, my life became so much easier.
Do you have to make them 1000 words to rank? Absolutely not. Does it help significantly to do so? Absolutely. For the method of site creation, SEO and promotion I talk about in this WSO, bare minimum I would suggest is 500 words per article.
No follow tags on outbound links. With some SEO themes and plug-in's you can make all the links in your blog posts, no follow links. I would actually put this tactic in the doesn't help, bordering onto the hurts category of On-Page SEO tactics.
This means Google won't follow that link and won't pass any link juice on from that link to the other site. There is debate whether or not, no follow links are still useful in SEO rankings, but that's another report.
Some people do recommend it, I don't. It's something I've tested and I feel it can be more harmful then helpful.
I personally think making all your outbound links in your posts no follow is a bit crazy. Google isn't stupid. If I'm proven wrong in time, so be it, but right now that's my position.
Have an XML sitemap on your blog. This is something that helps your SEO.
Having a nice XML sitemap that Google can use to spider your site is a great thing to have and with the plug-in I showed you how to install in the main report, that's exactly what you will get.
It's usually situated somewhere like this on your site;

So that's how I do my On-Page SEO. The next topic I want to cover is On-Page SEO for long tail keywords, then I'm going to move onto monetization and a bit about Amazon and physcial product promotion.
Obviously when you start building authority sites and you want to do On-Page SEO for the long tail keyword posts, you are going to target 2 or 3 keywords per post if you do it the way I suggest.
I often just target 2 keywords more so then 3 and I never target more then 3 keyword phrases per post.
With your On-Page SEO, you will need to spread the SEO juice over at least two keywords. If I am targeting two keywords in one post, I'll give the keyword phrase with the most searches or competition or both the title page and the H1 heading and use the second keyword in the H2 and H3 tags.
I'll also split the keyword density between the two keywords.
There are many ways you can do it, you just need to play around and see what works and makes sense for your post/keyword phrases you are targeting.
It's hard to be precise here as there are many different factors in play. Just remember to give the keyword with the best criteria the best placement on the page. The most important parts of any post other then the post count and keyword density is the page title and the H1 heading.
Monetizing Posts
In this section I'm not going to go over Adsense much as I've talked about it before. I've talked about the best placement and the best type of ad blocks to use above.
Adsense is a lot easier to use and implement then say an affiliate link. If you are new to this and you want to make it easy on yourself, I suggest putting up Adsense sites.
There is however more profit available from affiliate program sites. I never change my Adsense placements unless I'm testing something and what I've written about above, right now, is the best I've had in terms of getting clicks and high CTR.
If something changes from that and I find placements and ad blocks that are more profitable, you will get updates to this report for free so you will know what I'm doing when I'm doing it.
There are two parts to monetizing your sites for affiliate programs. The front page and your individual posts. Each requires a different level of promotion. The front page as you know is where you plug your affiliate product you are promoting and you also target the best keyword of your site.
The front page is pretty much a review or pitch for your affiliate product you are promoting, wrapped around your main keyword.
So what I'm going to do is run you through how I place my affiliate links on my sites, front page and posts pages.
You can ask your writers to write reviews based around a keyword no problem at all.
I do it all the time. I give them a bunch of links to reviews of the product I'm wanting to promote and I ask them to base their research off that and of course off the salesletter for the product.
Unless I've tested the product myself, I will never claim a product has given me results unless it has. You can still review a product without making claims that are false. You can look at the salesletter and basically turn the features of the product into an article.
Most article writers also do review articles as well if you ask them, so you don't need to worry too much about that.
So the first part I want to focus on is the front page. As I've just discussed, my front page on my authority sites and my affiliate mini authority sites are based on a review of the product I'm promoting wrapped around my main keyword I'm targeting.
So the whole front page is a promotion for the product, but as you can see from the example below, I start off with a simple red link that links out to the affiliate product.

One thing you will notice is I don't SPAM my viewers eyes with advertisements and banners and popups. That's so 2005.
Just like I don't send out a dozen emails a week to my list, I don't over do the promotion on my content sites. Some people do both and swear by the results. I usually swear at them and stick with my way as it works for me.
The first promotion on my front page is simply a red link. Don't focus on the article of the site as that's just placeholder content I found for this example, focus on the ad placements.
That red link at the start of my post is the best CTR link you will ever find. No matter how many flashing banners you throw at your visitors, this works better. I've tested just about everything, but falling short of everything.
Big bold text links, links wrapped in a paragraph of text to make it not look like an advertisement, banner ads, ebook covers, you name it, I've tried it and tried each one of those and more many many different ways.
This style of promotion will work for any product you are promoting, not just information products and the like.
If you are promoting a toaster, this will work. The main thing is to keep the text link short, no more then 2 sentences and make it compelling.
"Click here to get access to 16,000 woodworking plans."
A person coming to this site most likely came because of a keyword related to woodworking plans. That's about as compelling as it would get for them and it's simple.
I really like to keep things simple and measurable. This link outperforms anything else on my page, two to 1 in terms of CTR. This link has outperformed some methods of monetization I've previously tried, up to 10 times better for CTR.
The next monetization spot you will see is not even really an advertisement. It's simply a product image that if someone clicks on it, it will take them to the affiliate product you are promoting, via your affiliate link of course.
This will work for just about any product I can think of as well. I have many physical product based sites and this works well for them. People have a tendency to naturally click on a product image to go get more information about that product, regardless if you have any text telling them to click on the image.
In my testing has been known to hurt CTR's dramatically. People coming to my sites know what they are here for and know how to get what they want. I don't need to drag them by the ear to my affiliate link.
Have you ever been to a site where you just recoiled at the amount of in your face advertisements? It's like when you go into a store and you get swamped with un wanted attention.
You don't want that. You want to make a sale yes, but there are better ways to sell then screaming at someone. Pre selling has become a little old fashioned in the IM world I've noticed.
Let's move on.

In this part of the front page, you can see I have a big advertisement for the product I am promoting. Most affiliate products give you this sort of promo material. It's really my only blatant advertising spot on the front page.
You would think it would have the highest CTR but the first simple red link has double, almost triple the CTR of this ad spot from my testing.
As I said above, most affiliate programs give you promo material, even the physical product affiliate programs. You want something product specific here. Amazon has a lot of widget type advertising that could fill this spot.
Most Clickbank products offer affiliate material that you can use. does as well. If you are into CPA, they certainly provide you with promotional material like you can see above.
Let's move on.

At the end of the review/front page, I simply use the same text link again that I used at the start, just a different color.
So, as you can see, simple placements and it's repeatable. Text link, clickable image of product, promotional image of product, text link.
Simple simple simple, simple! Covers your viewers eye movements and reading patterns completely.
With authority sites what you can do is this. Since you will be promoting multiple affiliate products, you can create a review article for each product and base it around the main keyword for that sub niche like you do for the mini authority site front page you created on the topic.
So using my example of my pregnancy/child raising niche. I have 10 mini authority sites in that niche, targeting 10 different sub niches. Each mini authority site has it's own front page that is promoting the product I am promoting wrapped around the main keyword.
So when I build out that authority site, I'll do the same again. Even though only one keyword will have the front page of my authority site, my main keywords from my mini authority sites which are now being built into my authority site will still be based around the review of a product.
Does that make sense?
So in my authority sites, I will still have 10 keywords based around a review of the product like I do for the front page of the site.
So, one of the main keywords in my sub niche/mini authority sites was, Morning Sickness Remedies, I would target that keyword in my authority site of course and that keyword would still be wrapped in a review article in my authority site, it just would not be on the front page.
It's confusing and simple all at the same time.
So what about monetizing simple posts? The posts that make up the majority of your sites and that will be used as gateway pages into your site. What do I do to monetize them?
Again, I keep it simple. I'll use the Morning Sickness Remedies niche as an example;
If You Want To Learn How To Avoid Morning Sickness During Your Pregnancy, I Have A Fool Proof Method For You – Click Here
And I'll put that text link somewhere near the top of each post I make for that topic. Really simple, profitable stuff.
I will also have an image like I talked about above that is clickable that redirects them to my affiliate link in my post.
Right now, that's all I do to monetize my posts that promote affiliate products. The above sentence can be used for physical products as well.
Let's say your keyword is "Best Toasters 2011" and your article is a list of toasters that came out this year, this is something you could use as a text link below;
If You Want To Immediately See What I Believe To Be The Best Toaster Of 2011 Is, Simply Click Here On This Link!
Test and see what works best for you. If you promote Amazon products and want to put in some widgets, go ahead and try it out. If you promote Clickbank products and you want to put a banner or promotional graphic somewhere in your posts, go ahead and try it.
It could work for you.
Just keep in mind, all I'm giving you here is what has worked for me and I've tested A LOT of stuff, but I certainly have not tested everything.

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What Google Is Looking For In Sites

 There are 4 words to live by. On target search results.

What Google Is Looking For In SitesThat's what Google is all about. If your content site has the most relevant content for that keyword or keywords you are targeting, Google wants to rank you, all things being equal.

For any piece of content YOU SHOULD create to target a specific keyword, I want that content to be the most relevant, up to date information available. It should answer the question or solve the problem or fulfill your visitors information requirements.

Does that mean you have to spend $50 per article to get master pieces? Absolutely not. My content is good, relevant content that delivers on the keyword.

Would these articles be published in magazines? Most likely not. Are they readable and informative? Absolutely!

There's talk that you should not create content that answers your visitors questions in full. Meaning, write articles that engage but don't fully explain or answer the question your visitor to your site is looking for in hopes they click on your affiliate link/Adsense block instead to find the answer.

you should don't agree with that. The more you learn from a site, the more you trust the site and the more you want to buy what they are selling or promoting. (you'll get into creating content shortly, you’re'm getting ahead of myself here.)

You don't need to create sites that are 100+ pages to be considered an authority in Google's eyes. When you target a small sub section of a niche in a compact way with relevant good quality content, you're a winner in Google's eyes.

You only have to look at some of the things that have happened in the recent Google algorithm changes. Sites like Ehow, and big content sites have ropped dramatically in rankings.

Even the big content sites that are more targeted to their niches or even just the one niche, they too have dropped in the rankings. It's all about relevancy. (With affiliate sites, especially sites that you promote Clickbank products with, you should

sometimes go up to 25 pages and still call that a mini authority site.

It's when you combine keyword sets, that are when you call a site an authority site, but everyone has their own definitions. Authority sites are now an integral part of my business and I explain why later.)

That's what I want to talk about in this section. My method of creating my content sites and why you should create them the way you should do.

Over the years I've created content sites ranging from 4 to 5 pages all the way up to 200 pages and everything in between. I'm talking about hundreds of sites here in dozens of niches.

I've tested everything and the data I'm giving you today is from those tests. So right now I'm going to talk about the size and structure of my sites and then I'm going to talk about some of the elements of how I create my sites.

In the next parts of this WSO I will be going into more nitty gritty details of the process and how I put the pieces together when it comes time to create my content sites.

Both mini authority and authority.

As I've talked about before, there are now only two types of sites that I focus on. Mini authority sites and Authority sites.

My mini authority sites are around the 11 to 15 page mark for Adsense and no more then 25 pages for affiliate sites, and I'll get to why that is in a moment. My mini authority sites are used to test the profitability of a keyword set. I don't want to create a 50+ page content site to find out the niche or the keyword set is a donkey.

Why do I only create Adsense sites that are less then 15 pages? Because I've found the profitability of Adsense sites is not worth the effort after this amount of pages. If I am going to create an authority site, affiliate products far FAR out do Adsense in earnings. So I no longer create Adsense sites that are over 15 pages. I only ever build mini authority sites to target Adsense.

Often times it's hard to find relevant Adsense keywords with enough searches and high CPC to even create larger sites.

Google is also fickle. The last thing I want to do is build a content site around one topic, a topic that just won't work for affiliate programs to find out later that Google Adsense has shut up shop or decided to suspend my account for any number of stupid reasons Google comes up with.

For those two reasons, I only build mini authority Adsense sites. I'm also a big website flipper. I find that Adsense sites in this category and size are the easiest to sell for the best price for the amount of work I've put into them.

There are always exceptions to rules like this, but I'm not going to build a business around exceptions. I build my business on what is most likely and most profitable regardless of what other people are doing.

So I use my mini authority sites to target niches and keyword sets I'm testing out for profitability. Let me give you an example, using my own niches. When I create mini authority sites, I think niche first.

A couple of months ago (probably closer to 6 months ago now) I decided to target the pregnancy niche.

My first mini authority site was on morning sickness and I built it around a Clickbank product on remedies for morning sickness. I then created another mini authority site around ways to induce labor. I then created another mini site around fertility and getting pregnant. I then created another mini authority site on pregnancy weight gain.

Each of these sites was around the 15 to 25 page range and each one was promoting an affiliate product from Clickbank.

I ended up creating 10 mini authority sites over that 6 month period all based around the pregnancy niche. Each and everyone of these sites is very very profitable. If you have my last report on advanced keyword research and competition research, you will know how I determine profitability for Adsense and affiliate sites.

This month, I'm now creating an authority site in this niche based around those keywords I know are profitable and then I'm going to expand the keywords even

further with long tail keywords. Lower searches but a lot less competition.

In my mini authority sites, I only target the best keywords with the easiest competition and the most searches.

In my authority sites I target every keyword I can find that's remotely related to my niche, often regardless of search counts.

Don't worry, this will all be explained in more detail later in this PDF, right now I just want you to understand the basic overview of what I do. You're probably wondering why I build two sites targeting the same keywords. There are a few reasons.

As I said, I use these mini authority sites to test profitability of a keyword set. If the keywords are not that profitable or the products in the market just don't work out or if for some reason I've just miscalculated the competition and it's too hard for me to rank without spending months on it, then I won't use those keywords again.

It helps me to determine how profitable it will be and once I rank for these keywords, I will know exactly how hard and how long it will take for me to rank again.

The reason I create an authority site based around an expanded version of my mini authority sites is because having two sites ranking in the top 10 of Google for all these keywords maximizes my profits.

I now have two sites targeting the same keywords. So 2 out of the 10 listings in Google for that keyword, whatever that keyword is, is for my sites. Giving me more and more chances to get the visit and make the sale.

I know that the keyword is profitable and easy to rank for, because my mini authority site did all the heavy lifting.

Another reason is, I'm a big website flipper. I now know these keywords are profitable, I now have 10, profitable affiliate sites earning from $200 to $750 a month each.

I can flip these sites for well over $30,000, if not closer to $50,000 if I sell them separately and I still know I will be making money in this niche due to my authority site.

My authority site will still be targeting these keywords and now I've just pocketed $50,000 for 6 months of work. (In reality, the amount of time I spent on them would be around 3 full work days each. So 1 month of actual work time, but 6 months of maturing time).

Before you crucify me, I always let buyers know I have another site targeting these keywords before I sell any site. Full disclosure is a must and it never hurts the sale price.

I'll be talking in depth later about how I build my mini authority sites and then create authority sites out of the research.

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Google chrome plus

Google chrome plus

Many users chose Google Chrome over internet explorer due to its superior connection speed and simplicity. Google Chrome is a visually attractive application that is both elegant and stylish. You have the option of taking the browsing phenomenon with you as it can be packaged as a portable app. Many users fell in love with Google chrome, and I am certain that many more users will fall in love with Google Chrome Plus.Google chrome plus has been upgraded to have several characteristics that its predecessor did not have. At the moment, five major additions have been added to Google Chrome Plus. Future upgrades have also been promised to Chome users. But the best news of all? It’s free! Also, unwanted Chrome background communications can also be disabled if I user desires it so!- A double click tab; that users can use to close pages. If you decide you want to exit a tab, you just double click on that certain tab to close it.- A “super drag” feature; you now have the option of just dragging a link onto anywhere on the screen and it the link will be viewed on a new tab.- Users can also view Google Chrome Plus whilst having an internet explorer tab open; you are able to open internet explorer links onto Chrome (the links will have to be compatible though). To do this, click the internet explorer button that is placed towards the end of the location bar.- Whilst in the context menu, users can download tools support; You now have the option of downloading files situated in your download manager. To download, right click the link that you are interested in and select the download manager.Pastime users of Google Chrome will be positively delighted with this new upgraded version. Although it is to be noted that Google Chrome is renowned for its simplicity and speed, the addition of several other features will definition add to the consumption that is needed to run this application. However, I highly doubt that this will affect most users. Google Chrome Plus still retains its previous features, and the additions of these applications are interesting. Current chrome users should definitely give Google Chrome Plus a shot.If you are interested in downloading Google Chrome Plus, you can find this free application I’m still hesitant about downloading the Google chrome plus…Just try it out! You have nothing to lose with Google Chrome Plus, and if you are not satisfied with the application you have the option of uninstalling the applications. However, if you do test it out and end up liking the feel for it, then that’s great! You have nothing to lose with using Google Chrome Plus, and I personally recommend just trying it out. I installed this application about a month or two ago, and I love how unique and easy to use it is. I personally love the fact that I can disable ads and pop-ups.

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AFFILIATE PROGRAM - HOW TO ESTABLISH ONE There are three different ways you can establish an affiliate program. One, you can go to an affiliate network and hire someone who manages programs and who will sign you up as an advertiser. Secondly, you can find some an Application Service Providers (ASPs) who will set up an affiliate program on their servers and change you to host the system. Finally, you can create your own affiliate networking program by using software that plugs into your own existing website and manage the entire thing yourself. We will go over each option below.

These offer the least amount of control, but the quickest way to link up to people willing to try your affiliate program to make money. It does cost you money to sign up and also on a rotating basis to keep the program alive. You do not get to work with your affiliates directly. So, in essence you are locked into a particular network, you pay a lot of money upfront and then you have to keep paying to keep the programs going. If you are doing this for the long run, this is the most expensive method and you are tied into the program if you want to keep particular affiliates. If you decide to try a different affiliate network, you have to start over from square one in attracting new affiliates. They do not transfer over to a different network.

Another thing to consider for affiliate networks is that they might not end up giving you backlink credit. Places like Commission Junction,, have excellent affiliate programs, but some people say they have trouble getting backlink credit from the affiliate links. This is due to the way the servers track the links and in some cases, they aren’t set up to offer backlinks. However, if an affiliate really likes your products, they might do a review and then you get a backlink that way. Other network affiliates, like, is said to have programming to allow the backlink to give affiliate PR credit. If, however, any major search engine begins to penalize advertising companies for allowing this practice, you can be sure the affiliate networks will drop this feature rather than lose their affiliate referral programs. They are more interested in the programs than backlinks.

Here, the hosting company of the affiliate program is only providing the hosting and the application hosted. They do not provide the network and it is up to you to sign up your affiliates. The costs are much less than affiliate networks, but there is no instant affiliate waiting to sign up either. If you already have a wide audience and have marketed backlinks in other forums, you can use this as a new promotional feature for your website. As long as your products are sound and you are intent on providing value to your affiliates who want to make money, the easier time you will have signing people up.

The beauty here is that you get to keep any affiliate you sign up if you decide to change platforms later to another service provider or a software program. You signed them up, so they are your affiliate. That’s much better than relying on a network where the rights to the affiliates that sign up to your program are owned by the portal. This can also help you to determine if the backlinks produced by the program are going in areas that produce a rise in PageRank from valuable sponsors or not. Since you will be the person approving the affiliate, you know whether you are attracting quality retailers or not. And, you do not have to approve all affiliates who apply, but that’s a personal choice.

 An example of an application service provider is AssocTrack, . Since it is a third party hosted site, it may not provide backlink credit back to your own site. That is something that can be an issue when setting up third party service providers.

There is a variety of software out there to help you create your own affiliate program hosted on your domain. If you don’t know how to set one up, you will probably need to hire a programmer at the previously listed freelance sites. There are a number of complications with software that require an expert to sort through.  Just because software comes in a box, doesn’t mean you can easily update a Web server with it. You will want to get someone who understands what platform your web server host is on, what rights you have to modify directories and pages, and how to successfully install a software product for the Web.

Despite this, software can be relatively inexpensive to purchase. There are many freelancers willing to install the products for a reasonable cost too. Once you buy a software package you can use it on as many sites you like without additional costs (unless there are licensing restrictions), unlike the other two options. You will have both the affiliate program and your website hosted on the same domain name, safeguarding against multiple hosting problems from two different servers. You have total control of the software package and you can have it customized to fit your needs exactly. The only thing that really stands in your way of doing this option is being able to implement the program on your server in a secure fashion. This does require some expertise.

There is one additional warning you should take with you when you make your decision to buy software: understand the level and quality of support offered on the package. If a software creator won’t support the product, the first time an affiliate discovers a glitch, you are on your own. This can produce more ill will than good will amongst people whom you are depending on to provide valuable backlinks. So, check to see how well a product is supported before you buy it.

Two examples of software that allows you to get backlink PR passed back to your own pages are: Ultralinks and MyAP.

Ultralinks is created by Fusion Quest. It is available here: . MyAP is created by Kowbunga and can be located here: MyAP also gives you the ability to tie into Kowbunga’s affiliate network while hosting the affiliate program on your own website. They do this as a value-added service with no extra charge. The thing to look for is the ability to direct link from your affiliate back to your site. If they go through a third party server, you most likely won’t get the backlink credit. If you’re not sure, you should have someone knowledgeable check your affiliate links to see if they are actually helping your PR or not and find out other sites who teaches HOW TO ESTABLISH AN AFFILIATE PROGRAM.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Google Plus 1

Google Plus 1

Google Plus 1Google is launching a brand new innovative project; this project is called Google plus 1. But what is Google plus 1 exactly? It’s quite simple, really. Google plus 1 allows you to like Google searches. Once you have logged into your Google account, you have to ability to Google Plus 1 every search you find interesting or useful. By plus Google Plus 1-ing a result, it’s as if you are marking your own sign of approval. It’s as though you’re proclaiming to others that the website is innovating, interesting, and that others should visit that particular website. The more plus one’s a website has, the more popular it usually is.So by clicking the Google Plus 1 button , it’s almost as if your endorsing the project, declaring “hey guys you should check this out, it’s pretty awesome.”Google Plus 1 will publicly give your sign of appreciation for the website as it will be seen by any person linked to your Google profile page. This includes your friends, family, contacts, and various other people using the internet (who are of course, using google). It will benefit all of these individuals achieve the greatest results they can possibly get whilst at the same time, searching, or being interested in the same things you are seeking.And you can also benefit from Google’s newest experiment as you can also view what your contacts and friends are Google plus 1’ing. This will help give credit to a certain website or search result and will help you distinguish the lousy ones from the brilliant ones. Because imagine if an acquaintance you who added plus 1’d a result. You would most likely check it out, wouldn’t you?Then why not sign up! To join this experiment follow the link to Google’s experiment page and click on the button saying “Join this experiment”. You should be able to find it beside Google+1. You are only able to have one experiment participating at once, so be careful and check that you don’t have another experiment running at the same time.This experiment is expanding rapidly. The system of Google Plus 1-ing functions are similar to liking in Facebook, or perhaps digging in Digg. Google became successful because of its simplicity; and this new innovative design represents just that.For internet users, it will alter how results will be seen in the future. Take for instance; if you view an article about cats, you have the option of plus 1-ing it. Because of this, if your family and friends want to learn about cats and type that result into Google, the article that you plus 1’d will have a higher chance of ranking in Google’s results.So what are you waiting for? You’ve now read all about the benefits of joining Google plus one, so go sign up now! To join, find the link that directs you to the Google experimental page. Ctrl+ f and type in “Join this experiment”. Once you have found it, click it. It should be beside Google+ 1’s header.

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Market.Some belonging in the direction of the relatively most effective replica watches

This impartial family people run reseller jewellery outlet while in the center belonging in the direction of the village lies while in the historic surroundings belonging in the direction of the well-known Leadenhall Market. With an purpose to provide the best, the store is typically visited by travellers looking for eternity rings, wedding celebration bands, Cheap Rolex GMT Master Replica Watches Sale, licensed diamonds accompanied by superb hospitality.

Smithfield present market among the the a good offer sought appropriate after purchasing destinations for gastronomes, Smithfield is situated relatively near to St. Paul tube station and stretches in three thorough buildingsfake rolex watches. The livestock present market near to the website which could be as aged as 800 years. almost everything is readily available at wholesale costs.

Leather Lane Market.Some belonging in the direction of the relatively most effective merchandise in apparels, food, toiletries, electrical goods, audio tracks collections jointly with a good offer extra are readily readily available at this uncomplicated to explore present market while in the city. A broad repertoire of affordable foodstuff outlets, cafes and bars are also readily available to compare to your budget. The present market may be serving London for almost 300 many years now.

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Success With Social Media Online

Success With Social Media Online

Social media is being very much worn to promote products and services. Furthermore, a lot of corporate are using such group of people sites to keep better customer association and cross-sell the products or services to the on hand customers in adding up to find new Individuals.

Alter the approach: You have to come up to social media with a unlike outlook. An attitude which is poles apart from the attitude you have towards other online marketing activities. In social media you have come to share information, issues and resolve further members' problems. You are not here to push your products or services. Follow the AIDA standard – concentration, curiosity, Desire and Action.

Aim the correct viewers: Use the on hand partial resources and budgets to object the correct and niche viewers in its place of blindly going into social media. Take out some time and put yourself as customer and recognize the areas or groups the vision engages in and talks about the products or services which you put up for sale. Thus, you will know where your objective audience is active in the social media bubble and you can start from there. You save lot of time and attempt in doing this in addition, you can simply connect with them.

Set-up your own success metrics: Set-up your own success metrics for social media promotion as well as you have for natural search, PPC campaigns or email campaigns. Without these metrics you will not be sure if you are going in the right way or not. describe the metrics like – number of comments for my post, number of views for my videos, number of stars your post or video has got as a rating from readers, how many have DIGGed your articles and so on. Depending on the numbers you get for these achievement rudiments, you can check on your development in social media marketing.

Let people know who you are: Social media is all about building relations and sharing information. That’s why; you should let people know who you are. Relationships are only built on trust. Provide your name and contact information and the association you have with your company. Your forecast will feel relaxed with communicating with you and, if there is an disappointed customer, then that person can vent annoyance much more easily on you. This gives you a signal to resolve the issue right away before it spreads.

What needs to be taken care for: Marketers ought to note that there is a very slight line among you and your prediction in the social media. One cannot just spam any neighborhood. Marketers need to build relations and share information. You need to take care that you are not unnoticed and your projection need not believe you as spam. Be tolerant and slow and get them concerned in conversations and build relationship with them.

Excellence of content: Last but not the least, success in social media is based on the excellence and the originality of your content you post on these networking sites. Content is King here as well.

Social media is an helpful, cheap and successful marketing tool. But, time overwhelming one. And require more focused effort. Patience and promise is very important too, to be successful I this media.

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Bread bins are making a comeback in many new kitchens, so why should you choose a bread bin?

Brad Bins Brad Bins

The bread box or bread bin might not seem like a common item these days, but you might be surprised as to how popular they are becoming again for many kitchens, both old and new. If you want to keep your bread fresh then its best to invest in a bread bin. There are many different types of storage containers in the marketplace that could be used to store bread, but we have listed some reasons below why the bread bin is best suited for this task.

A bread bin is hard enough to keep bugs away from your bread. Other containers such as a plastic bags can be chewed through by certain creatures.
Most bread bins are designed to prolong the life of your bread by making sure the bread does not age as quickly, bread bins help against drying out too soon and exposure to heat and light.

Bread bins are fast making a come back in many kitchens because there are so many great designs that add character and style to all types of kitchens.

Remember to buy a bread box that has tight cover. This will prevent air go inside the box and stale your bread faster.
If possible, select a bigger box. This can allow you to store more loaves of bread at a time.Select a flat top box which can let you put things on top of it.
A bread bin is a must have tool for your baking library. It is the best way to keep your homemade bread safe and fresh. Besides that, you also can store other kind of food like biscuits inside. It is a multi-purpose box if you know how to utilize it.

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Google Plus 1 a game changer

Google Plus 1

It’s only one, tiny, insignificant button. So how come it’s changed so much in such little time? Google plus 1 has recently come out of nowhere and it’s slowly changing the fabric of the marketing world. So let’s start from the beginning, what specifically is Google plus 1, and what are the reasons for it being so significant?  Well, Google plus one is Google’s newest revolutionary experiment. They’ve been working on it for quite some time now. It’s a fairly new aspect to global marketing that was only released a few months ago.To put it simply, Google plus 1 assists users in differentiating the crap web pages from the non-crap web pages. Whether you are a marketer, or an average user wanting to learn more about how to market their own website, you should have viewed the plus 1 button at some stage or another. In essence, the plus 1 button functions similarly to that of a Facebook like or a tweet; however there is a slight difference as the plus 1 button has the ability to influence the hierarchy of search results and rank.So is Google plus 1 a game changer? Well, have you taken a look at all the marketing websites lately? They’ve been practically littered with users offering their Google plus 1 services. And whether you like it or not, Google plus 1 is going to influence one’s rank and in turn, the internet marketing world.Well, Google is determined to meet and improve a user’s internet experience. Before, Google plus 1 was just Google’s newest experiment to compete with other influential websites such as Twitter and Facebook. However with how things are currently functioning, it’s very hard to establish yourself with Google plus 1. Why? Unfortunately there are many marketing sites that automatically link build or “plus 1” sites for a fee. They fool Google by their automated systems, and in turn other users into thinking that that particular website with dozens of plus 1’s is popular because its rocks or is fascinating. Whilst in reality, it might stink or suck horribly.Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to stop this and whatever we do there will always be people who are willing to exploit the system. Google and various other websites have been dealing with these exploiters for years and have made little progress. So we have no choice but to accept this and move on. Regardless of this, Google plus 1 will still help rank your website; just be aware that you are probably not competing with the others on fair ground.Google plus 1 is definitely a game changer. How much it will influence your websites overall ranking, I can’t be totally certain. However, I can guarantee that it will influence the rank of your website. And besides, you can never succeed if you never try.

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